Summer and Winter Financial Aid
Winter Financial Aid
Students must be registered for a Winter course at NJIT and working toward a degree at NJIT to request Winter Session aid. Additionally, students must:
- Have filed a 2024–2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application
- Submit all requested financial aid documents to Student Financial Aid Services (SFAS) by their respective deadlines
- Meet the minimum standards set forth in the university Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy. (The exception is certain private loans; please see website under Private Loans below)
- Submit Winter Aid Application to SFAS by December 22, 2024
NJ Tuition Aid Grant/EOF (available to undergraduates only):
If you were a part-time student during the Fall 2024 semester (registered for at least nine credits) and are TAG/EOF eligible you will automatically be considered for TAG/EOF if you take a least 3 credits in the Winter session
Federal Loans (if Fall 2024 loan allocation is not exhausted):
We will review your enrollment and other eligibility criteria for the federal loans.
Private Loan:
Students and parents who are US citizens or permanent US residents, and international students with a cosigner who is an eligible US citizen or permanent resident can apply. Also, students not meeting SAP requirements can apply for certain private loans; details and applications are available here.
If you have any questions, please contact the Student Financial Aid Services Office at (973) 596-3479 or at
Summer Financial Aid
Helping Students Catch-Up, Stay On-Target and Succeed
Attending summer at NJIT is a great way to boost your GPA for the year, makeup credits, make up a class you may have dropped, or just get ahead in your coursework. You can even earn extra cash by working a part-time job if you qualify for NJIT's institutional work-study program.
Sources of Financial Aid
Below are some of the summer financial resources you may qualify to help defray costs:
- Low-interest federal loans availability (if funds were not utilized during the past academic year or if you have progressed in academic level (i.e., freshman to sophomore, etc.)
- Federal SEOG Grant
- Federal Pell Grant (Click here for more information)
- New Jersey Tuition Aid Grant
Summer Tuition Aid Grant (TAG)
Office of Student Financial Aid Services is delighted to share the news that funding for the Summer New Jersey Tuition Aid Grants is available for Summer 2024! This means that eligible students can receive a NJ TAG Grant during the summer term; the amount of the summer TAG grant will depend on the number of credits taken during the summer.
The eligibility criteria for the Summer NJ TAG grant are the following:
- Have filed the 2023-2024 FAFSA or NJ Alternative application completed by the state deadline
- Received NJ TAG award during the Fall 2023 and/or Spring 2024 term
- Summer enrollment of at least 6 credits (for summer this can be 3 credits in the full, first, or middle session and 3 credits in the second session)
- Be enrolled in courses that are in the same undergraduate program at the same institution at which you were enrolled during the fall or spring of the 2023-2024 academic year
- Be enrolled in courses that may be credited towards graduation or used to fulfill your academic major requirements
- Meet NJIT’s requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress (annual assessment occurs after Spring grades are posted)
Once you meet these guidelines, and register for at least 6 summer credits, you will be awarded contingent on verification that your courses indeed apply to your program. Failure to meet these guidelines, will require cancelation of the estimated TAG award which may cause you to incur a balance.
Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria for this can still apply for other aid. Please visit the following web page to review alternative payment options:
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach Student Financial Aid Services at
Summer Aid Application
The application for summer aid for 2023-2024 can be found here.
Below are the dates for summer sessions:
Full Summer Session: May 20, 2024 - August 05, 2024
First Summer Session: May 20, 2024 - June 24, 2024
Middle Summer Session: May 20, 2024 - July 15, 2024
Second Summer Session: July 1, 2024 - August 03, 2024
Freshmen Summer Coursework-Helping Students "Catch-Up"
Attend the summer session to "catch-up" and stay on-target while learning the ropes about financial aid. If you register for a summer remedial course, you are automatically eligible to participate in a free online Financial Literacy self-paced course where you will learn the basics about financial aid and budgeting.
Freshmen who may benefit in taking Math remedial coursework prior to enrolling in the fall semester may register for summer depending on your test placement results. For details about your placement results, contact the Center for First Year Students Office at 973-596-2981.
Visiting Students
Students from other institutions (visiting students) are welcome and encouraged to take summer courses at NJIT; if you have Pell and/or loan eligibility remaining from the academic year, please contact your home school's Financial Aid Office and discuss the possibility of attending NJIT and receiving aid via a Consortium Agreement.